Write : 14-11-18 16:58
FSRU Conference 2014, Nov 25-28
 Writer : ASIASIS
 Sponsor : IBC Asia Limited
 Period : Nov 25-28
 Place : Singapore
FSRU 컨퍼런스 2014.jpg

With Floating Storage and Regasfication Units (FSRUs) gaining dominance as the important terminal of choice across the globe and Asia's growing demand for LNG, there has been a strong interest in Asia to look into investment opportunities in developing FSRU Terminals. 

This conference aims to identify investment hotspots, discuss project development strategies and share operational best practices from key names in this industry. As the ONLY FSRU Conference in Asia, don't miss this opportunity to network with key leaders from Oil & Gas, Power Generation, FSRU Operators, Shipyards, Technology Providers, Financiers, Consultants and more! 

Agenda At A Glance 

FSRU 2014 일정.jpg