"Rationalization needed in shipbuilding industry" [Shipbuilding]
The 28th JECKU Top Executive Meeting was held in Viareggi, Tuscany, Italia, during October 23-25, gathering top executives from shipbuilders of Japan, Europe, China, Korea, and the US.  During the meeting, attendees noted that there are g...
2019-11-08 08:49:06
HHI Group and KT cooperate in 5G-based business [Shipbuilding]
Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) Group announced on November 7 that it had a presentation with KT Corporation, the largest telecommunications company in Korea, on the results of their cooperation in 5G-based business sector. On the day, the pres...
2019-11-08 08:47:27
'Marine Week 2019' ended in great success [Shipbuilding]
The government of Busan Metropolitan City has recently announced that the 'Marine Week 2019' event, which was held during October 22-25 at Busan Exhibition and Convention Center (BEXCO), Busan Metropolitan City of Korea, ended in great success.&n...
2019-11-08 08:46:29
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