McDermott completes Ichthys LNG Project jobs [Offshore]
McDermott International, Inc. (NYSE:MDR) announced it has recently successfully completed the final offshore campaign for the INPEX-operated Ichthys LNG Project, located offshore Western Australia. This was the second of two remaining work pac...
2019-05-01 08:20:24
CEOs of Korean 'Big3' shipbuilders attend OTC 2019 [Shipbuilding]
While expectations for resumption of offshore plant orders increase due to the recovery of global oil prices, the CEOs of Korean 'Big3' shipbuilders are on the US trip to attend the Houston's annual Offshore Technology Conference (OTC).  ...
2019-05-01 08:05:13
STX Engine receives money from selling STX France [General]
STX Engine announced through a regulatory filing on April 29 that it entered into agreement with STX Offshore & Shipbuilding (STX O&S) regarding sharing money from selling STX France.   By allocation precedence, the sale mone...
2019-05-01 08:04:38
KLCSM-SHI embark on joint study of smart ship [Shipbuilding]
KLCSM announced on April 26 that the Korean ship management company entered into a business agreement with Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) regarding the joint research of smart ship. Through the joint development of smart ship, under the agreem...
2019-05-01 08:04:06
Chinese shipyards see NB order down in 1Q [Shipbuilding]
The China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry (CANSI) has recently released a statistics report of business results its compatriot shipbuilding industry posted for the first three months of 2019. From January to March this year, ...
2019-05-01 08:03:28
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