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KHI bags its first VLGC with scrubber [Shipbuilding]
2017-06-26 07:05:54
Korea to discuss how to deal with SOx regulations [General]
2017-06-22 07:10:16
Jinling wins additional freight ship duo [Shipbuilding]
2017-06-20 07:25:44
Langh Tech scrubber acknowledged [Equipment]
2017-06-19 07:20:04
MHI-MHPS develop large marine scrubber [Equipment]
2017-06-05 07:19:10
DGS introduces scrubber retrofitting technology [Equipment]
2017-06-05 07:15:26
China builds boxship based on Deltamarin design [Shipbuilding]
2017-06-01 09:53:23
Norway to support domestic vessel retrofits [Finance]
2017-05-26 07:33:48
Wartsila to provide HMI with scrubber system [Equipment]
2017-05-19 07:31:35
Hyundai Samho bags VLCC duo [Shipbuilding]
2017-04-27 10:37:15

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