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STX secures R/G for two MR TKs [Finance]
2019-08-22 15:31:29
Evergreen reveals $1.7bn expansion plan [Shipbuilding]
2019-08-16 16:37:49
SINTEF found that scrubber is 'good' [Shipping]
2019-08-13 10:29:46
KHI won a domestic VLGC [Shipbuilding]
2019-08-12 14:49:45
Evergreen eyeing smaller boxships following mega units [Shipbuilding]
2019-08-12 08:45:35
HSHI bags 2+1 VLCCs [Shipbuilding]
2019-08-12 08:44:15
HHI scores VLGC duo from Korean company [Shipbuilding]
2019-08-12 08:43:41
"Boxships absent for scrubber retrofit" [Shipbuilding]
2019-08-02 08:27:02
Solvang reveals new ethylene carrier [Shipbuilding]
2019-08-02 08:26:35
STX won up to four Greek MRs [Shipbuilding]
2019-08-01 08:23:55

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